Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination for the 71st Annual Convention Awards.
Distinguished Service Award:
To acknowledge an organization that offers an exemplary, unique and innovative program resulting in people with developmental disabilities achieving full participation in the life of the community. This award is presented to the provider whose services are a model of excellence to others promoting inclusive environments.
WINNER: Arts of Life
Will present video Wednesday, April 21st at 3:30p.m.
Mabley Volunteer of the Year Award:
To honor exceptional individuals who actively devote time and energy to enhance life experiences for people with developmental disabilities.
WINNER: Cindy Shanker
Will present videos Wednesday, April 21st at 3:30p.m.
Self-Advocacy Award:
To honor outstanding self-advocacy work in Illinois done by a person with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability.
WINNER: Bob Peterson
Will present video Wednesday, April 21st at 1:00p.m..
Leadership Awards:
To recognize a paid staff or a volunteer whose contributions have significantly impacted the lives of children and/or adults with developmental disabilities. Recipient will be selected based upon their leadership efforts that have inspired others and influenced positive change.
WINNERS: Tara Conley (S.I.B.S) and Eddie Sylas (Trinity Services)
Will present videos Wednesday, April 21st at 2:00p.m.
Direct Support Professional Awards:
To acknowledge individuals for their outstanding, dedicated direct care service and support to persons with developmental disabilities.
WINNERS: Jennifer Kesler (Centerstone of IL) and Khiyona Winfert (Shore Community Services)
Will present videos Thursday, April 22nd at 2:00p.m.
QIDP/Case Manager Awards:
To acknowledge an individual for their outstanding, dedicated service as a QIDP/Case Manager for persons with developmental disabilities.
WINNERS: Britni Check (Shapiro) and Emily Stevenson (Trinity Services)
Will present videos Thursday, April 22nd at 11:30a.m.
Julie Grounds Outstanding Family Member Advocate Award:
To recognize a family member who actively devotes time and energy to enhance the life experience for their family member with developmental disabilities.
WINNER: Sheila Fisher
Will present video Thursday, April 21st at 1:00p.m.
Media Excellence Award
WINNERS: Jodi Cohen, Jennifer Richards and Lakeidra Chavis
President’s Award
This is a special award given by The Arc Board President to someone the President deems has made a positive contribution to many lives that he/she wants to give special recognition.
WINNER: Barry Taylor (Equip for Equality)
Will present video Wednesday, April 21st at 10:30a.m.
Paulauski Advocacy Award
For a person that has dedicated their life and career to advocating for the best life for people with developmental disabilities.
WINNER: John Voit
Will present video Thursday, April 22nd at 10:15 a.m.
Retiring Board Members
Terri Devine – Thank you for TWENTY-TWO DEDICATED years of service!
Laura Fine – Thank you for TWO DEDICATED years of service!
Ralph Hastie, Jr – Thank you for TWO DEDICATED years of service!
Annual Convention Main Page
Thank you to our Sponsors!