Tuesday, January 26, 2021
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. – KEYNOTE “Your WORDS have POWER! ”
Presented by Barbara T. Doyle, MS
Human services are full of words! Using words, we think, develop our attitudes, provide instruction and support, manage others, make and carry out plans, create records and interact. Our words live on long after we say or write them and can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of others. But how skillful are we in choosing the words we use in thinking, speaking, and writing?
In this presentation, we will explore these questions:
• How might my words change the lifetime outcome of others?
• How can we heighten our awareness of the importance of how we choose our words in our own minds and when we share our thoughts with others?
• How can we make our words more accurate and supportive and a true source for positive outcomes for ourselves and the people with whom we work and live?
10:30 – 11:00 a.m. – BREAK
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – KEYNOTE “Promoting and Protecting Our Mental Health As We Support and Serve Others”
Presented by Barbara T. Doyle, MS
In our current world situation, our mental health is challenged every day! We are required to make adaptations regarding Covid 19, experience a lack of social contact, live in constant and close proximity to our families and the people we support and have a general sense of things being out of our control. All of this has an impact on our mental health. But we are NOT helpless! We CAN learn, practice, and model mentally healthy skills that will improve our own lives AND the lives of those we supervise and care about.
In this presentation, we will explore answers to these questions:
What are some mentally healthy skills I need to systematically learn and use?
What can I do to calm myself and quiet my mind?
What is the role of Positive Thinking in mental health?
How can I communicate in a healthier way?
How does my physical health effect my mental health?
What can I start doing…?
What can I stop doing…?
12:30 – 1:00 p.m. – LUNCH BREAK – We will have a fun game during this break!
BREAKOUT SESSION 1:00 – 2:30 P.M. – Choose One
“Adventures Unlimited” Presented by David Pufundt, Envision Unlimited
This presentation will share and illustrate principles of inclusive movement. David will teach you how these principles can be used to create an environment that fosters participation, movement and bonding. We are all movers and we can use this common trait to establish many kinds of growth and strength with program participants and caregivers.
“Sex Education for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Implementation of Public Act 1010-0506”
Presented by Linda Sandman, Blue Tower Solutions, and Teresa Parks, Illinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission
There’s a new law in Illinois about sex education for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD), which requires action from certain types of residential and day program service providers, including state-operated ID/DD facilities, CILAs, ICFDD providers and day programs. This session will provide information about what the new law requires and ideas on how to get started. You won’t want to miss it!
BREAKOUT SESSION 3:00 – 4:30 P.M. – Choose One
“Supporting DSPs During a Time of Crisis: Practical Ideas & Actions for QIDPs” Presented by John Raffaele, NADSP
This session will focus on how organizations can best support their direct support workforce during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Self-care is important for all of us during this crisis, but direct support professionals have been some of the last people to look after themselves. We will explore the physical, emotional and psychological needs of the direct support workforce in a crisis, and offer practical and useful strategies that can ensure that direct support professionals are supported to be their best.
“New Services for a New Normal: Reinventing and Reimagining Services During a Pandemic”
Presented by Kelsey Carlson, Kristen Garcia, and Meg Nolan, Ray Graham Association
Almost overnight, the COVID-19 Pandemic forced organizations to reimagine and create new methods for delivering services. This two-part presentation will share how one service provider created a virtual experience on Zoom and creatively continues to provide in-home services to people using 37U funding. Kristen, Kelsey, and Meg will share ideas on how to make the best of our current environment by being creative, resourceful, and willing to constantly adapt to our “New Normal”, where the only thing normal is constant change.