Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

10th Annual Informational Seminar


10th Annual Information Seminar Recording

Handouts and PowerPoints

“Welcome and Overview of Options” Presented by Shirley Perez, Program Director; Shakari Asbury, Liaison

Welcome – Amie Lulinski, Executive Director, The Arc of Illinois

What You Need to Know about ABLE, Special Needs Trusts and Guardianships” Presented by Brian Rubin, Rubin Law

“A Family’s Perspective Regarding Person Center Plannng” Presented by Ruth Aguilar, Northern LFA, and The Von Moore Family

“Ligas Consent Decree: Quanitity, Quality of Services, and What’s Next?” Presented by Barry Taylor, Equip for Equality, and Ronnie Cohn, Ligas Court Monitor

“Update on What’s Happening at DHS” Presented by Allison Stark, DDD Director

“Who is The Illinois Self Advocacy Alliance” Presented by Tara Ahern, IL Self Advocacy Alliance, and Adam Wiser

“Role of the Independent Service Coordination Agency” Presented by Patty O’Brien, Suburban Access (ISC)

Additional Resources

Thank you to our Sponsor!

