Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

9th Annual Informational Seminar


Informational Seminar Recording

Handouts and PowerPoints

“Welcome and Overview of Options” Presented bu Shirley Perez, Program Director; Shakari Asbury, Liaison

“Ligas Update and What We Have Learned” Presented by Megan Mutti, Senior Ligas Family Advocate; Ruth Aguilar, Northern Ligas Family Advocate

Welcome – Meg Cooch, Executive Director, The Arc of Illinois

“SSI, SSDI, HFS: The importance of Understanding Government Benefits” Presented by Sherri Schneider, President of Family Benefit Solutions, Inc.

“Ligas Update” Presented by Ronnie Cohn, Ligas Court Monitor

“Update on What’s Happening at DHS” Presented by Allison Stark, DDD Director

“What Families Need to Know as They Plan for the Future” Presented by Brian Rubin and Benji Rubin, Attorneys at Law

“SDA: An Important Option!” Presented by Amy Newell, Executive Director, The Arc of Winnebago, Boone and Ogle Counties

Thank you to our Sponsor!

