Saturday, April 20, 2024
Spalding Pastoral Center, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Peoria, IL
KEYNOTE: Calm & Connection are Protection, Elizabeth Frisbie
The past few years were traumatic for many, including our children and adolescents, who are experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression than ever before. During this keynote, we will explore how relaxation, centering skills and positive relationships are powerful remedies for the challenges our children are facing. Tips, strategies and success stories will be shared so that school-based professionals and parenting adults can better support our youth and foster mental health and well-being at home and school the very next day.
Promoting Resiliency in Young Children with Special Needs, Elizabeth Frisbie Thoughtful Approaches to Foundational Needs: Sensory strategies for the classroom and beyond, Marcie Huelsing & Alaina Brooks
Multi-tiered Systems of Supports in Schools 101: What parents need to know, Dr. Brenda Lindsey
Registration required, spaces limited