Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Statewide Best Practices and Home Based Services 2021 Conference


“Welcome and Update from The Arc of Illinois Family Support Network (FSN) and Today’s Goals” presented by Shirley Perez, Program Director, The Arc Family Support Network; and Shakari Aasbury, The Arc FSN and Ligas Liaison

“Updates and Concerns for Family Support” presented by Amie Lulinski, Executive Director

“Ligas Family Advocate Program” presented by Ruth Aguilar, Northern Ligas Family Advocate

“What is HBS and Self-Directed Assistance? An Optional Waiver Service” presented by Eileen Morrissey, Envision Unlimited

“Role of the Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC)” presented by Wanda Sumlar, Program Director, CSO

“Family Centered Care: Partnering with Families and Self-Advocates to Improve Quality in DD Supports” presented by Megan Mutti, MA, QIDP, Senior Ligas Family Advocate

Waiver Renewal Updates and Rules Process presented by Derek Hedges, Division’s Waiver Manager and Supervisor of the Medicaid Waiver Unit; and Andrea Medley, Strategic Planning Unit Supervisor, DDD

“COVID-19 – One Year Later: How policy makers may respond to reshape systems in ways that promote person-centered approaches and outcomes” presented by John Agosta, Executive Vice-President, Human Services Research Institute (HRSI)

“Meet Your Fiscal Agent” presented by Tasha Whiteside, Director of Illinois Operations for ACES$ Financial Management Services

About the Vendors

DRAFT – Increases in the Home-Based Support Services Program (HBS)


IDHS Most Requested Services:

Aces$ Fiscal Agent:

Consumer Handbook for Home-Based Services:

Independent Service Coordination Manual:

Developmental Disabilities Provider Information:

Developmental Disabilities Manuals:

SDA Guidelines:

SDA providers:

DDD Acronyms:


DHS ISC Office Locator:

Providers by Service Type:

Provider Information: Provider by Service Type, Reviews, Administrative Actions:

Social Security Website: